December Workshops


Raising Rebels!

Somatic Experiencing® for Parents, Teachers, & Caregivers.

December 22nd, 2024 12:00-1:30

In these uncertain times, children's and youth's well-being is the top priority for many parents, teachers, and caregivers. But how can we help young people feel safe and healthy when we, as adults, struggle to feel the same way? Coping with high levels of uncertainty on a daily basis - and on a global scale - puts our bodies and brains in survival mode, priming them for anxiety and stress. Living with chronic stress is a form of trauma that has been, and continues to be, widespread.

By now, many of us know that stress is contagious in homes and classrooms. Reducing stress for good requires that we, as adults, attune deeply to our felt experiences of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, develop our capacity to tolerate uncomfortable sensations, and work with our bodies' intelligence to release them.


Somatic Experiencing® is a powerful approach for doing precisely that. Developed by internationally acclaimed clinical psychologist Peter Levine, PhD, Somatic Experiencing® helps us notice how we hold feelings of stress or fear within our bodies and provides us with simple and effective tools for letting go of them. In this workshop, you can meet other parents, educators, and caregivers working on becoming more embodied and building their capacity to handle the stress and magic of helping our children. We will learn various somatic practices derived from generative somatics and the resilience toolkit that can support us in caring for ourselves as we care for others.


We’ll work on navigating our triggers and big emotions while caring for children, preteens, and teens. This workshop will include time for discussion and connection with fellow participants. We’ll look at the ways our identities and oppressions impact caregiving and explore how those of us with sensitive nervous systems and histories of trauma can find balance while caring for others. All levels of experience with somatics are welcome.

Join us Sunday, December 22nd from 12:00-1:30 at The Be Free Healing Center in Fort Collins.

Self Investment: $20

Bring: a journal, water bottle, a snack if desired, an open heart, and anything else you would like to be comfortable. 


Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Support Group for Women

December 21st, 2024 2:00-4:00

This support group aims to gather those who are victims of narcissistic abuse. Together we will explore the nuances of narcissism and have an opportunity to be vulnerable and share a little bit about our personal experiences. I intend to create a safe space to gather and feel supported and seen while creating a pathway that connects us so that we might feel a deeper sense of healing and recovery. Based on my experience with narcissistic romance, sibling rivalry, parental neglect, and rejection, plus 20+ years of education within the academic environment, I come to you with deep empathy and compassion.

We will discuss the basics of Narcissistic Abuse and discuss the reality of our lives when we are under the abuse and how our lives are since the abuse is no longer present. This class is open to anyone who has been in relationships with narcissists, believes that they might be, or wants to learn more so they can protect themselves from abuse.

I have been around narcs my entire life. I have had to grow up with the coldness and toxicity of individuals who suffer from this personality disorder. I have also seen it evolve from generation to generation. I suffered a whole lot later in my life because of my childhood and being raised by a narcissist and became a victim of the romance scam that narcs are so infamous for too.

I know and understand how one can become stuck in the mental prison that is dating and being the family member of a narc.

This is all to say that I sympathize with you. I believe you. I know how hard it is, but I also want to tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and you will come out stronger, better, more self-aware, more evolved, and loving yourself after the abuse. It will take time; it took me many years to figure this all out, but I am here, still suffering at times, yet standing strong. I have longed for more support and to be believed, seen, and validated. After sharing more of my story over the years I have come to know so many folks that are hiding their stories because they fear they won’t be validated or believed. I want to create a space for those of us who feel this way so we can feel safe and heard. I believe vulnerability and validation can be deeply nurturing and will support us all on our pathway to more profound healing.

The general feeling behind this workshop is simple: NON-JUDGEMENTAL, NON-SHAMEFUL, transparent, validating, and supportive! So, we are all here to share our own stories and create a community so we don't feel so alone in this journey of trying to escape, recover, or live with a narcissist!

Join us on Saturday, December 21st from 2-4. Once registered I will contact you with the location information.



Laura Oswald is a parent, Somatic Experiencing® trauma healing guide, facilitator, educator, writer, and artist based in Fort Collins, Colorado. Laura has been in private practice, offering bodywork and counseling for over 15 years. Her classes help people find more balance and harmony in their bodies using nervous system regulation tools and concepts.